The Top 7 Benefits of Tennis for Youth
Tennis is a sport that offers various benefits to those who play it. The benefits of tennis are so vast, that coming up with a top 7 list was a challenging task. Here, you have a list of the advantages related to playing tennis.
Keywords: Benefits of Tennis, Health Benefits of Tennis, Advantages of Playing Tennis

Did you know that our beautiful sport of tennis dates back to 12th century France? It was in fact called jeu de paume, which translates to the phrase game of the palm. Since then, tennis has evolved into a fast-paced, action-packed sport. The benefits of tennis for youth and adults are many, and for this reason, people are becoming highly interested in playing this beautiful sport.
Yes, you read that right. The benefits of tennis for youth and adults are plenty and here in this blog, I will be covering 7 reasons why you should be playing tennis.
Here’s a rundown of my top 7 benefits for youth and adults alike.
Benefits of Tennis #1 | Stress Relief
Wait, don’t just skip over to the next one! Hear me out.
I don’t want to sound like everyone else, but at the same time, I am going to be honest with you. Playing sport is a splendid way to manage your daily stress, but keep in mind that not all sport provides the same opportunities
You see, tennis is a sport which takes over your thoughts. It does not allow you to think about other problems. When playing tennis, you are more focused on hitting the ball, and seeing where you have to position yourself rather than thinking about dinner and other day-to-day issues.
If you go for a jog, you are still very likely to think about daily matters. The reason is that jogging does not really require a lot of brain power.
Personally, after a hard day at work, tennis is always an effective remedy to help me refresh and prepare for the next day. This is just one of the many benefits of tennis!
Benefits of Tennis #2 | Tennis is Fun
Well, this only needs a little explanation. Tennis is a fun sport. It often requires players to think outside the box to overcome their opponents. Moreover, tennis matches are usually packed with adrenaline-filled rallies that leave you wanting more.
Tennis is fun and rewarding. The best thing is, it can be rewarding for anyone. Whether you are a social player or want to be competitive, fun is a guaranteed component.
Benefits of Tennis #3 | Improve Social Skills
I have just mentioned social tennis and frankly, I love this term. It defines the beauty of the tennis community where you get to socialise with people who you share common interests with. You get to meet new people, play tennis against them and learn from their style of play. This can also happen in higher-level tournaments and leagues, where you get to meet different people and expand your social network.
Where I play, the tennis community is so welcoming and diverse that it fills my heart with joy. Seeing the passion for the game being transmitted from one person to another, irrespective of age, gender, or social status, is just something that does not tend to happen that often in other sports.
Benefits of Tennis #4 | Health Benefits
This benefit is one of the most obvious ones. However, I do not want to group up all the health benefits of tennis for youth and adults and call them that. Let me explain.
Playing tennis allows you to have improved metabolic functions, balance, agility and flexibility. Have you seen Novak’s or Dimitrov’s splits across the court? 😅
So, yes, among the already mentioned health benefits, you can also enjoy an increase in aerobic skills and functions, improved reaction time and eye-to-hand coordination.
Having an improved reaction time and better coordination is not a surprise. In fact, the advantages of playing tennis also include an increase in brain power. You see, in fast-paced rallies, you utilise critical thinking and mental alertness to win points. Over time, this can leave a huge positive impact on your brain. You see, tennis helps regulate the levels of serotonin in your system. Serotonin helps you be happy, have a great sleep cycle and helps you think.
Tennis is also an excellent sport to develop physical literacy, where children can learn how to run and jump, throw and strike the ball, and encourage rhythmic movement. You have no idea how critical the last one is. Rhythmic movement helps children to develop other physical skills (both aerobic and anaerobic), such as timing.
So, I guess this benefit alone should be enough to convince you to play tennis, no?
Benefits of Tennis #5 | Mental Strength
Tennis is a type of sport which is played both on and off the court. On a tennis court, we use our groundstrokes and our experience to produce great shots. But, what about things off the court? You see, a forehand can be controlled by the player. But what about the natural elements? What about the roaring crowds, or maybe the pressure of playing a big match? These are things which cannot really be controlled by the player.
As a result, tennis players must be mentally strong to not let these external factors cloud their strategy and their level of play. These external forces are beyond anyone’s control. However, the way we serve and the way we approach the net and all, that is on us.
Possessing mental fortitude requires players to accept that there are certain things which cannot be controlled while identifying those factors that are within our control and managing them.
This is the beauty of tennis. It is a sport which requires individuals to be mentally strong.
Benefits of Tennis #6 | Accepting Defeat
Let’s be honest, in tennis, defeat is imminent. Today, you may be playing one of your best matches against an opponent. And a few days later, that very same opponent might defeat you swiftly and easily. We often see this happening in club tennis but it can also happen in the higher levels of tennis.
Although losing a match can be impactful on a player’s psyche, it is how the loss is dealt with that matters. By bouncing back from that loss, you are automatically building a culture within yourself to never give up and to keep on going. That’s deep, right?
If you’re seeking how to become a better tennis player, here’s a tutorial with tennis singles strategy tips and drills.
It’s amazing how the benefits of tennis for youth and adults also extend to our psychological aspects.
Benefits of Tennis #7 | Lifelong Sport
Tennis is a lifelong sport. Yes, it is a low-impact sport and tennis players can come in all shapes and sizes. And age too. Did you know that there are 70 and 80-year-olds playing tennis? Leagues for such people exist as well. I was shocked when I first learned that Leonid Stanislavskyi is the world’s oldest active tennis player, aged 99. He even has his own ITF profile.
My point is, you don’t find 99-year-olds playing football. At least, not any that I know of. So whether you’re a young soul looking for a new sport or an adult looking for a new hobby, tennis is always a great idea. Maybe, we won’t be as fit as Leonid by the time we’re 99, but I have seen people aged 60+ play for over 3 hours. If they are able, then so are you!
Concluding Remarks on the Top 7 Benefits of Tennis for Youth and Adults
These are the top 7 benefits of tennis for youth and adults. Of course, the advantages of playing tennis expand more, but that is a subject for another time.
Just remember that playing this sport does not have to be mundane. The benefits of tennis for youth and adults are enough to get people moving and help them feel better about themselves. After all, why shouldn’t you feel good about yourself? So come on now, grab a racket and let’s hit a few strokes.
See you next time, and until then, enjoy your time on the tennis court.
Happy playing,